Saturday, February 18, 2017


Last day is only a half. Still much accomplished. What wasn't completed when we left, will be finished by the Canadian team and local volunteers on site today. Here is the punch list :

The rain overnight produced a muddy yard which we all slogged through. This made for some nasty looking shoes and wet trousers.

As we left today, everyone felt very satisfied that so much progress with this duplex had been made. We made new friends and found some fun as well.

Before we sign off, take a look at some additional shots. The first two are Megan, our site supervisor, and Matt, Habitat staff guy who likes to work the roof top.

Before we sign off, a few additional shots....

Friday, February 17, 2017

NOLA day 3

 With walls set, the task for the third day moved towards the roof. Trusses, stacked 39 high in the front yard, were marked to show the order for installation. With ladders ready, volunteers raised full width trusses, 25' 6" in size, to the roof and others pushed the trusses into .place. Two Habitat staff navigated on high and nailed into place. 

By 10:30 in the morning, the last one went up and was installed. Follow the work below:

With the part of the day complete, we gathered for a group pix. Actually, two photos. The first with our Paterson Habitat team:

And the second photo with a group of Canadians who are on the site with us. Great people, our neighbors to the north and good friends: everyone pleased about the progress made this week!

Thursday, February 16, 2017

NOLA day 2

"Work today, our second on the site ...

Finished sheathing the exterior walls. Check

Made up remainder of interior walls and installed. Check

Posts and full width header for front porch roof installed. Check

And, documented it all for sharing here ....

Also on site with our group is a team from Canada. The Paterson women got together with them for a group shot. We call it "getting it done"!

Six women from Canada, Five representing Paterson Habitat, and the site supervisor, Megan (front row right) who graduated Tulane University as an architecture major. All impressive!

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

2017 NOLA

 Back on the Gulf Coast. February. And the eleventh Habitat for Humanity Build with 11 volunteers representing Paterson Habitat.some are newcomers, the others are repeaters from previous Builds here.
A great group. And on the first day, a lot of wood was raised. 

First look in the morning.

And by day's end, voila! Looking like a house!

And below, some worksite shots. As one person stated, being jazziy in New Orleans, lower 9th Ward.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016


New Orleans said the city had August 2015, reduced homelessness by 85 percent from a post-Hurricane Katrina high in 2007, when 11,619 people in Orleans and Jefferson parishes lived on the streets, in abandoned buildings or in shelters. That number now is even less than before Katrina: 1,703, compared to 2,051.

However, overall, New Orleans' per capita rate of homelessness remains higher than that of most large cities. In 2014, 46.9 out of every 10,000 people in the city were homeless. A great number of these are youth 18 and older who have aged out of foster care and others who are left homeless by financial hardships, overcrowding, abuse, or other circumstances.

This is where friendly neighbors came together. Habitat partnered with Covenant House to build six duplex homes that can be rented by such youth. Covenant House will help the residents by providing this housing at a low-cost and offering job training, health services, behavioral health services, life skills education, and other social services support serve as a stepping stone on the path to independence and stability.

The houses are built by Habitat, but Covenant House will take ownership and act as the landlord. Youth who age out of foster care but still don’t have a permanent housing situation are the most likely candidates for this program.

“It’s inspiring to work with Covenant House,” said Jim Pate. CEO New Orleans Habitat. “We’re honored to be partnering with such an amazing group to help them expand their already considerable impact.”

A third neighbor partner in the work being done to alleviate homeless in New Orleans is the church based organization, RHINO, Rebuilding Hope in New Orleans. 

This group organizes volunteers arriving in the city and was support for Paterson Habitat in arranging accommodations, breakfast and lunches, plus one evening, hosting our team for a dinner in the gorgeous Garden District 1860 home of a RHINO board member.

           Thank you to all !!

Sunday, February 14, 2016


On our third and last day, we added one more volunteer to the group. A friend's daughter, living in New Orleans for the past four years was keen to work with a Habitat Build and we were glad to have an additional person. Another young energies gal.

Although we quit an hour early today, we felt that we have given a great deal, even more finished than was expected.  Accomplishments:

Trim installed through both units, caulked, sanded, and painted two coats.
Interior doors painted two coats.
Door frames on 4 exterior doors, caulked, sanded, and painted.
Exterior doors painted.
Holes dug, posts set up and 2 pads built for air conditioning units.
Both pairs of front steps sanded clean and ready for staining.
Trough dug (tough work) for sidewalk's concrete ... Due for pouring next week.
Clean up of front yard of neighboring abandoned house.
And major project: insulation blown from attic crawl space into wall spaces.  ( see below )





We leave with the satisfaction of a job "well done."

               Paterson Habitat people, " YOU DID GREAT."

Friday, February 12, 2016


The weather continues to favor us with temps in the 70s. Real tee shirt days.

We are told that by day's end tomorrow, this house will be virtually complete. Prep and painting of the trim continued, one additional bedroom had its trim measured, cut and installed. Oh, and we dug some more, squaring the sidewalk trough and digging post holes for two platforms for the two air conditioning units.

In addition to work, remember that we are in the "Big Easy" and tonight's entertainment was to be a visit to the renowned Preservation Hall for some real New Orleans Jazz. However after dinner at the ""Gumbo", the line for the 9pm show was looking at 45 minutes before showtime. After the dat on the worksite, no one wanted to que up and stand. So off to Cafe du Monde instead.

Here are photos around the site today:

Below, three of the team, best friends since their years at college in the same sorority Omega Phi Beta, at Queens College. Their first time in New Orleans. What a fun and satisfying time for them.

Thursday, February 11, 2016


In the Hollygrove section of New Orleans, on a street named Mistletoe, was where we found our project house for this Build. It has been newly constructed and we are doing the finishing touches.

These included caulking, painting, baseboard trim installation, and some nasty digging for the sidewalk in front of the house. Thirteen volunteers from the Paterson Habitat affiliate assemble on the steps and front deck.

What follows are some views from Day 1.